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Donations & Legacies

If you would like to make a significant difference, support us, and help to protect and conserve the world we live in. Please consider joining us as a member, making a donation, or leaving a legacy in your will.

You can donate in the following ways:

Charities Aid Foundation

CAF is a charity that exists to accelerate progress in society towards a fair and sustainable future for all. They bring charities, businesses, and philanthropists together to simplify giving, allowing charities to focus more on their incredible work. 


JustGiving helps people raise money for the charities and people they care about the most. In 2000, JustGiving began with one simple goal – to enable charities to receive donations online from anywhere in the world.


Please make cheques payable to Scientific Exploration Society and, if applicable, accompany them with a Gift Aid Declaration Form and send to:
Gail Lloyd, Scientific Exploration Society, Expedition Base, Motcombe, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9PB.

Leave a Legacy

Leaving a legacy/bequeathing a donation to SES in your will is a simple, tax-efficient method of ensuring your support will continue. 

For more information please contact Gail Lloyd.

Run the London Marathon

Every year we have five places for the TCL London Marathon. This includes training advice and support from Nomadical Coaching. 

Get fit, have fun, raise funds for SES, and support the next generation of inspirational scientific explorers and conservationists.

Partner with us

Are you a business or corporation interested in partnering with a charity that enables and supports inspirational individuals, leading scientific expeditions that focus on discovery, research and conservation? 

If you are, that's us and we'd be delighted to hear from you!

About Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a scheme available to charities that enables extra money to be claimed from HMRC in respect of donations and/or membership annual subscriptions made to SES. An extra 25p for every £1 can be claimed at no extra cost to you. To qualify for Gift Aid, you need to be a UK taxpayer and pay income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the total gross tax charities reclaim on such donations.
Scientific Exploration Society, Expedition Base, Motcombe, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9PB +44 (0)1747 853353 
(Registered Charity No 267410)
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